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福睿思 | 尽享无限舒适与优雅艺术的生活方式
来源:乐居买房2021-07-26 14:32:11





  Unlimited comfort and minimalist elegant

  artistic lifestyle jointly

  open a better life




  The bustling city is always in a hurry to blend the red and green lights with the nature, to find a quiet place, so that the body and mind can enjoy the freedom and relaxation



  Trace the essence of nature and experience life with heart

  Perhaps give mutual moving and resonance



  Extraordinary temperament, elegant taste

  Live a free and wonderful heart




  FRIS explores the realm of all things in a unique way of thinking

  extracts natural elements and blends them into space and works



  Abandon unnecessary decoration, lead the way to cure

  enjoy quiet and comfortable, and elegant lifestyle




  Casual eyes and perhaps that moment 

  enough to make people palpitating


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